Rob's view

I completely share the views of the vast majority of residents across the Aylesbury constituency that HS2 should be scrapped; as I stated from the very beginning of my election campaign, I do not believe we need this railway. It makes no sense economically, with a weak business case and spiralling construction costs. It makes no sense environmentally, with more than a hundred ancient woodlands, being destroyed for a line that will never be carbon neutral over the course of its 120 year lifespan. I remain absolutely convinced that the scheme will do enormous damage to our area with zero benefit to the people of Aylesbury and the nearby villages.

On behalf of residents and businesses affected, I have repeatedly challenged the Transport Secretaries, Grant Shapps and Mark Harper, and the HS2 Ministers, Andrew Stephenson and Huw Merriman, about the relevance, value for money and environmental impact of HS2. I have put on record my opposition to this useless behemoth in parliamentary debates, I have lobbied the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the business case and I have taken my concerns directly to the Prime Minister on several occasions – both privately and publicly.

Despite this, the Government continues to believe that HS2 will still be relevant in the decades ahead, and has committed to the construction of the railway. In 2016, before my time as Member of Parliament, the House of Commons voted 10-1 in favour of the project at 3rd Reading and it is worth noting that the Liberal Democrats voted in support, as well as MPs from all other parties. Sadly, even now there is considerable cross-party support for the scheme in Parliament.

My office continues to push HS2 Ltd to ensure that proper mitigation is implemented now that construction work is underway. I have been working with groups across the constituency from Wendover to Fairford Leys and Stoke Mandeville, attending meetings to hear their concerns. In particular, I have lobbied hard for improvements to noise mitigation in Wendover following the government’s refusal to construct a bored mined tunnel, and I have ensured compensation has been paid to landowners who had been subjected to extraordinary delays and appalling treatment.

I am absolutely determined to hold HS2 Ltd’s feet to the fire to ensure they live up to their pledge to be good neighbours: like you, I want to see action, not just words. I will continue to insist that local people are treated with consideration and respect for as long as this white elephant project lumbers on.

Ongoing Actions:

  • Raising individual constituents’ concerns with HS2 Ltd, its contractors and the Department for Transport. These range from delays in receiving compensation, to lack of community engagement, and environmental and ecological damage.  
  • Since Rob’s election, the office has responded to more than 650 individual concerns regarding HS2’s behaviour.
  • The office has a regular call with HS2 Ltd  to discuss outstanding concerns, get information and put resident's specific concerns to HS2's bosses.

Rob has raised HS2 22 times in the Chamber and has asked the Prime Minister two questions on the floor of the House.

Actions taken by Rob and his team:


22 May - Raised a constituent's concern about footpath in Hawkslade that had been closed by HS2 and received news that it will be reopened shortly. 

22 March - Visited Bucks Goat Centre to meet local businesses on the site affected by HS2's planned road closure. I raised their concerns with the Department for Transport and HS2 themselves urging for the disruption to be minimised over the Easter Holidays 

21 February - Asked a Prime Minister's Question on the need to speed up HS2 funding to Aylesbury to fund the link roads that matter to local residents 

17th January – Rob spoke in a Westminster Hall debate seeking reassurance from minister that Aylesbury will be on the list to benefit from the cancellation of HS2 Phase 2. The minister gave that reassurance “I will give my hon. Friend the Member for Aylesbury (Rob Butler) the assurance he sought. We spoke about the two road projects, and I will take that back for consideration. He has my commitment.”

10 January - Provided evidence to the Transport Select Committee about a specific constituent's case. Greg Smith MP raised this with HS2's CEO on Rob's behalf


24 November - A member of my team attended the joint Wendover HS2/Wendover Parish Council meeting and spoke to residents as well as providing an update on my work

17 November - Welcomed the annoucement that Buckinghamshire will receive an additional £51.7 million for road maintenance as a result of HS2 Phase 2's cancellation 

8 November - Rob criticised the damage and congestion caused by HS2 Ltd in the King's Speech debate

20 October - Visited Ash Service Station on the A413 who are affected by HS2-caused congestion

17 October - Rob meet the Transport Secretary Mark Harper to urge money from HS2's Phase II be diverted to link roads

6 October - Welcomed the cancellation of HS2 Phase II and called for additional money to be given to Aylesbury 

18 September - Raised HS2's poor behaviour of operating outside their allocated working hours in Walton Court pressing the minister to act to ensure residents are not disturbed further

15 March - Meeting with Huw Merriman to discuss the traffic congestion in Aylesbury and the possible impact on water in Wendover

3 March - Raised with Huw Merriman in the House of Commons HS2's continuing traffic disruption in Fairford Leys

24 February - Raised HS2 Ltd's behaviour in the Chamber when discussing the need for fair compensation for infrastructure; you can view the speech here.

16 January - Request for a meeting with the Environment Agency to discuss concerns about the impact of construction on groundwater and water catchment

11 January - Request for a meeting with Rail Minister for assurances that local agencies will receive the information needed to properly assess the impact of construction on the Coombe Hill aquifer and wider water catchment area


13 December  - Meeting with Sir Mark Worthington, HS2 Independent Construction Commissioner, and Lord Jackson, HS2 Independent Residents' Commissioner to discuss continued difficulties around noise, traffic disruption and mitigation for Wendover and Stoke Mandeville

10 November - My office attended a meeting with Wendover HS2, the Environment Agency, Bucks Councillors and Wendover Parish Council with the HS2 Commissioners, Sir Mark Worthington and Stewart Jackson. 

17 August - Wrote to the HS2 Minister regarding HS2 Ltd's failure to properly address concerns about noise pollution in Wendover. 

16 May - Provided evidence to the Public Accounts Committee for their HS2 update, leading to questions from Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown on land take and unnecessary legal action by HS2 Ltd. 

5 April - Meeting with Rohan Perrin, a senior director at HS2 Ltd and an affected landowner. 

17 March - Raised HS2's repeated broken promises with the HS2 Minister Andrew Stephenson in Transport Questions and attended a cross-party meeting with MPs affected by HS2 with the minister and HS2's CEO Mark Thurston

22 February - Wrote to the HS2 Minister, Andrew Stephenson, calling for further noise mitigation for Wendover.

4 January - Meeting with Wendover Parish Council to discuss additional mitigation options for the village.


16 December - Question to the HS2 minister over the proposed lorry routes.  

10 December - Walkabout with Stoke Mandeville Parish Council concerning the neighbourhood plan and impact of HS2 on the village.

13 September - Spoke on behalf of residents and businesses in a Westminster Hall debate on HS2. More details here.

23 July - HS2 minister visits the constituency at Rob's invitation. More details here.

6 July - Meeting at 10 Downing Street to discuss issues affecting Aylesbury including HS2

22 June - Rob has written to the Planning Inspectorate in support of Buckinghamshire Council regarding s17 application 

15 June - Meeting with the Environment Agency to discuss their powers in relation to holding HS2 accountable for environmental damage.

24 May - Rob criticises HS2 Ltd during his adjournment debate on East West Rail: Aylesbury Spur.

17 April - Raised concerns about the behaviour of HS2 contractors at Jones Hill Wood, and welcomed the High Court's decision ordering work to be halted

19 March - Meeting with Wendover HS2, Wendover Parish Council and Wendover Buckinghamshire Councillors to discuss issues affecting Wendover.  

12 March - Meeting with the NFU and local farmers to discuss issues affecting farming communities including HS2's behaviour 

26 February - Meeting with the Bucks Country Landowners' Association to discuss the rural economy and late payments from HS2 Ltd 

29 January - Meeting with Wendover Parish Council to update them on our work on HS2 issues

8 January - Meeting with Wendover HS2 to discuss mitigation schemes for Wendover


19 November - Letter to the HS2 Minister Andrew Stephenson MP concerning the use of Transport and Works Act Orders on the phase one route, and the possible impact on Wendover

30 October - Met Dr Elaine King, Chief Executive of the Chiltern Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Board to discuss the impact of HS2 on the AONB and the need for mitigation

17 October - Attended the Stop HS2 protest on the A418 near Fairford Leys to talk to residents opposed to HS2 directly, I later went to the Bucks Goat Centre to discuss damage caused by HS2 when they "mistakenly" chopped down a hedgerow

14 October – Meeting with Andrew Stephenson (HS2 Minister) and Mark Thurston (HS2 CEO), again called for the project to be reassessed given the cost overruns and completely changed environment. Stressed to Mark Thurston the concerns regarding ecological damage, specifically the removal of species without the correct licence.

30 September – Meeting with Wendover Parish Council working group

30 September – Rob asked a Prime Minister's Question calling for the Wendover Mined Tunnel

23 September – Meeting with Wendover HS2 to discuss noise mitigation.

11 September – Issued a press release and letter to HS2 concerning the unacceptable delays on the A418 Oxford Road.

18 August –Letter containing all correspondence between Mr Butler and the Department for Transport concerning the mined tunnel. (Published 8th Sept)

18 July – ‘frank and constructive’ Zoom meeting with Mark Thurston discussing numerous topics concerning HS2’s behaviour across the constituency.

3 June – Meeting with Wendover HS2 and representatives of Wendover Parish Council

27 May – Virtual meeting with Wendover Cricket Club.

19 May – Asked Grant Shapps why HS2 is still going ahead when coronavirus is costing the country billions of pounds and the way we work has changed dramatically 

15 April – Bucks MPs issued a joint statement following DFT issuing Notice to Proceed with construction of Phase 1 

11 May – Spoke to Andrew Stephenson about individual constituents’ concerns and casework 

25 March – Asked a PMQ about contractors following PHE social distancing advice 

23 March – Sent letter to HS2 CEO, Mark Thurston about contractors failing to comply with social distancing

5 March - Met HS2 Minster Andrew Stephenson to call for a better deal for Aylesbury  

27 February – Asked a parliamentary question to the Paymaster General about HS2 representing good value for money for taxpayers 

18 February – Receives answer to written Q: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps he is taking to ensure that valid compensation claims by (a) residents and (b) businesses are paid on time and in full by HS2 Ltd. 

18 February - Received answer to written Q:  To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what assessment he has made of the hydrological effect of the construction of the green tunnel at Wendover on the potential risk of flooding in Aylesbury. 

18 February – Received answer to written Q:  To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, if his Department will make an assessment of the potential merits of the proposals for a mined tunnel in Wendover; and if he will publish the results of that assessment. 

13 February – Raised the decision to proceed with HS2 in Business Question calling for a statement from the Government on compensation and mitigation scheme 

12 February - Met Cllr Martin Tett, Leader of Buckinghamshire Council, in Parliament to discuss the need for more mitigation for Buckinghamshire

9 February – Attended HS2 engagement event in Fairford Leys, following interventions by Rob to ensure it would go ahead following numerous cancellations by HS2.

6 February – Raised the archaeological works being conducted by HS2 contractors at St Mary’s, Stoke Mandeville with the Church Commissioner, Andrew Selous

5 February – Attended and spoke at a meeting with the Prime Minister calling for HS2 to be scrapped along with other members of the HS2 Review Group.

30 January – Spoke to Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid in No11 Downing St about why we need to stop HS2 highlighting that the costs simply do not stack up

27 January – Received answer to written Q:  To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether staff employed by the Oakervee Review secretariat were seconded from (a) his Department, (a) other Government Departments and (c) executive agencies. 

23 January – Took part in a joint video by conservative colleagues part of the HS2 Review Group calling for HS2’s budget to be diverted to smaller projects including solving traffic congestion.  

21 January – Received answer to written Q: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, whether the conclusions of the Oakervee review into HS2 were reached following a full debate and voting by all members of the review panel. I also attended a cross-party meeting about the need to protect our irreplacable ancient woodlands for HS2 

17 January – Filmed a segment for the Taxpayer's Alliance on why HS2 should be scrapped and the money diverted to other projects in the North and Midlands.

15 January - Highlighted a report by Bucks, Oxfordshire and Berkshire Wildlife Trust about the ecological damage being caused by HS2

10 January – Meeting with Wendover HS2 Group (mined tunnel briefing)

8 January - Wrote to Sajid Javid to highlight the concerns of Aylesbury residents about the cost and damage being caused by HS2  

7 January – Attended a briefing organised by the Taxpayer’s Alliance about alternatives to HS2

4 January – Attended the Stop HS2 Street stall in Wendover and spoke with residents affected by the construction of the line.


20 December – Joined the HS2 Review Group of Conservative MPs and signed an open letter to the Prime Minister calling for HS2 to be scrapped https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2019/12/21/dozens-mps-including-new-northern-representatives-sign-joint/

17 December - "I promised to make local people's voices heard against HS2" Rob writes to Transport Secretary Grant Shapps to discuss the future of HS2 


HS2 Minister Andrew Stephenson MP visits Aylesbury with Rob Butler MP

Today I took HS2 minister Andrew Stephenson to see first hand the damage being caused to our countryside and communities by the construction of the line. First stop - a farm which is typical of so many locally: delayed compensation, broken promises and poor communication from HS2 ltd.