
Rob asks Justice Secretary about young adults in custody

Today in Parliament, Aylesbury MP, Rob Butler has asked the Justice Secretary on the importance of tailored programmes for young adults in custody in YOI Aylesbury and across the country, programmes that help to ensure rehabilitation on release.

Statement on the Fire Safety Bill

The fire at Grenfell was a tragedy and we owe it to the victims to make sure it never happens again. I fully realise that people are eager to see changes to fire safety legislation – as am I – and for these reforms to happen quickly, however, it is clear that the Labour Party has sought this week

The Culture Recovery Fund has opened for applications

The Culture Recovery Fund has opened for applications today. The fund offers grants of between £50,000 and £3 million to cultural organisations (both profit and not for profit) that were financially stable before Covid-19, but are now at imminent risk of failure.

Rob welcomes nearly half a million pounds funding for Sir Henry Floyd

Aylesbury MP, Rob Butler, has welcomed the announcement that the Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School in Aylesbury will benefit from £478,725.60 to improve school facilities.

The money will fund heating upgrades following the school’s successful Condition Improvement Fund bid.

Rob Butler MP: Let's celebrate local shopkeepers

Rob is calling for local shopkeepers to enter the Best Small Shops Competition, celebrating the successes of small shops and the central role they play in their local community, particularly in response to Covid-19.