
Rob lays a wreath at Aylesbury War Memorial

"When You Go Home,

Tell Them Of Us And Say,

For Your Tomorrow,

We Gave Our Today."

An honour to lay a wreath at Aylesbury War Memorial on behalf of all my constituents.

Rob raises local people's concerns about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza

The terror attacks by Hamas on innocent Israelis were unspeakable atrocities. Israel has the right to defend itself within international law. But innocent Palestinians in Gaza are now suffering too, and in desperate need of aid. I raised local people's concerns in the UK House of Commons

Rob welcomes the King's Speech

It was a tremendous privilege to be in the House of Lords to hear the first King’s Speech for more than 70 years today. This is an important and highly symbolic moment in our national calendar, with much pomp and ceremony.

Rob visits two local convenience stores

Convenience stores play an invaluable role in our communities. Todav I visited two, starting at Ash Service Station in Wendover. The staff there are doing an excellent job despite the frustrations of the appalling traffic jams outside caused by HS2 works on the A413. Ascona Group

Rob meets FSB in Parliament

Small businesses are the backbone of our local economy. Good to meet FSB Policy in the House of Commons to discuss ways to help firms in Aylesbury to grow - ranging from less regulation to better transport links and lower taxes. Look forward to working more with FSB Thames Valley